
The Smart Choice for last mile distribution

Why Choose Collect & Go™ electronic smart lockers?

Call Centre Supported

Commodity tracking and management via live dashboard


Automated SMS reminder service

Disconnected Connectivity

Patient/customer convenience

The Smart Choice for last mile distribution

Why Choose Collect & Go™ electronic smart lockers?

Call Centre Supported

Commodity tracking and management via live dashboard


Automated SMS reminder service

Disconnected Connectivity

Patient/customer convenience

What is

Collect&Go™ is an innovative medicine dispensing service, consisting of smart lockers linked to software and call centre support. Collect & Go™ smart lockers are secure electronic lockers which safely store patient medicine parcels. The Collect & Go™ programme aims to reduce congestion in public health facilities and make it easy, convenient and quick for patients on chronic medicine to collect their medication. This will promote adherence and retain patients in care while reducing the burden that non-adherence places on the healthcare system.

This Right ePharmacy initiative supports the National Department of Health’s last mile dispensing and Central Chronic Medication Dispensing and Distribution (CCMDD) programme and the national adherence strategy.

Service Provider Process

Parcel data is captured by the Service Provider’s system by means of either interfacing with the system’s API or through the use of eRX Mobile. The backend logistics solution, eRx Cloud (an Amazon hosted platform) serves to map the parcel’s data with destination Pick-up-point locations, routes and driver data.

Drivers collect the parcels from a distribution centre (CCMDD or CDU or similar).To ensure accuracy and that parcels are not missed, nor wrongly loaded, drivers make use of the eRx Mobile application.

The eRx Mobile application guides the driver to the appropriate Pick-up-point (PuP) locations and ensures that all the correct and required parcels are delivered to the correctly corresponding Pick-up-points.

Where Pick-up-points are fitted with Collect & Go™ smart lockers, the eRx Mobile application guides the loading process ensuring that all parcels are loaded into the correct corresponding Collect & Go™ “pigeon” holes.

The eRx Mobile application then updates the backend system with all the relevant parcel status and location data. At the same time it facilitates the process by sending an SMS with a unique One-Time Pin (OTP) to the appropriate patient that their parcel is loaded into the Collect & Go™ smart locker so that they can go collect.


Collect&Go™ Smart Locker Features

  • Accurate commodity monitoring, tracking and reporting (via Live dashboard).
  • Controlled reverse logistics capabilities.
  • Open Integration Developed capabilities.
  • Optimised supply chain management.
  • Live adherence monitoring and reporting (call centre, automated SMS system, parcel reroute capabilities).
  • Optimum supply chain management of medicine as per GPP (Good Pharmacy Practice).
  • Call centre, dashboard and APP supported.
  • Retail/e-commerce integration.
  • Requires ZERO connectivity as the smart locker uses Mobile App technology as the data carrier and can therefore be installed at the remotest of locations. This is called Disconnected Connectivity!
  • Temperature controlled with a built-in side system air conditioning unit, which is monitored through system data being collected by the eRx Cloud solution.
  • Integrated Uninterrupted Power Support (UPS ) system to provide power in case of electricity downtime for up to 6 hours. Battery data (including power fail incidents) is collected by the eRx Cloud solution.

A typical 6-locker configuration site can serve up to 365 patients with parcels per month per cabinet, or up to 2,190 patient parcels per month at an ultra-low operating cost, assuming a 4-day recommended parcel stay-over.

Collect&Go™ Smart Locker Benefits

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